Búsuló Juhász Restaurant - Budapest

The unique speciality of the Restaurant Busulo Juhasz and its terraces is that our guests can enjoy the fascinating panorama of Budapest while having dinner.
The Búsuló Juhász Restaurant furnished with fine elegance can offer an ideal place for entertaining 120 persons at the same time. Our cosy function room is available for 50 geusts and our terraces are suitable for 350 persons.
The terrace and our rooms are quite popular wedding, company and family event locations. The bourgeois elegance of the saloon attracts company orders as well. The well separated banquet-hall is appropriate for the transaction of smaller events, press conferences, and family celebrations. The titbits prepared in our traditional Hungarian large earthenware oven or in our home smoke-house not only enrich the selection of our house but also make it unique.
The assortment of our menu is made up from the delicacies of the Hungarian cuisine. It is completed by such specialities like the freshly baked home bread or our patés.
Besides the excellent food and drink we entertain our guests with live gipsy and classical music.
Hopefully these few thoughts managed to convince you about the uniqueness of the Búsuló Juhász amongst the Budapest restaurants.