Deluxe Tour

The most élite department store in Budapest. A five-storey building with a roofed glass-court and glass-walled mirror-elevators. On the roof a circle turf promenade, and an ice-rink in winter…Would you have guessed we are evoking a picture of Budapest at the turn of the 19th and 20th century? Well, it is Budapest at the time when the first modern giant department store was built for the bourgeoisie.
The participants of Unique Budapest’s Deluxe Tour can take a journey back in time.
You can get a glimpse at the world of the last decade of the 19th and the first decade of the 20th century. And from a distance of hundred years you will see that some things never change although times have changed a great deal since then. The fascinating atmosphere of the great department stores, the dazzling tiny shops and exhibition halls lying in hiding offering several treasures, the milieu of the Pest cafés-They never ceased to be and will always remain part of our daily lives.
Discover the genuine treasures of today’s Hungarian artists, join us to learn about the world of creation, design and pure perfume!
Tour starts at: Coffeeheaven (5th District, 10, Ferenciek Square)
Duration: 3.5 hours
Price: 7.000 HUF (including entrance tickets)
Our tours are conducted under all-weather conditions. During the tours there is an opportunity to enjoy a short rest, to have a sandwich, a cup of coffee or other refreshments (not included in the tour price).