Centro Congressi Budapest
The Budapest Congress & World Trade Center (also known as Budapest Congress Center) provides the largest, most modern congress and meeting facility in Hungary. Extraordinary Service is what we want you to experience. A warm welcome by a friendly, professional team. A positive and proactive service approach towards you and your guests. Attention to details, applying the finishing touch to make your stay an Extraordinary Service experience.
La Nave Európa
Weddings, conferences, product demonstrations, exhibitions, theatrical events, banquets, corporate events: organize whatever you want the rooms of Europe Ship are suitable for every event. This event ship is the biggest and most equipped fluvial event venue not only in Hungary but in all Central Europe.
Mercato Coperto Centrale
Budapest’s huge Central Market Hall is the city’s largest indoor market. The market is a buzz of activity during daytime, but when the gates close at night and during the weekend the imposing building becomes a real authentic venue with a unique atmosphere for your events for up to 1000 persons. After the market hall has been closed the site is set up to your conference or gala dinner.
Navi per eventi
Vuoi impressionare i tuoi clienti con il panorama meravigliosa di Ponte delle catene e della Fortezza di Buda? Che si tratti di una breve crociera sul Danubio oppure un evento di famiglia o aziendale lungo tutta la serata, tra i nostri imbarcazioni di diversi misura e tipo di sicuro troverai quello che stai cercando. Abbiamo un team di esperti pronti ad aiutarti in qualsiasi modo dallo scegliere la barca giusta al piú piccolo dettaglio.
Szekér Csárda
The Szekér Csárda is situated on the Óbuda Hajógyári Island. The Csárda’s forefront represents in its architectural the Hungarian rural feeling of the year 1800, the application tools visualise the rural traditions. Its aim is to give a taste of the Hungarian traditional gastronomy and folk culture. The guests are welcome for dinner with guaranteed folklore program and groups ranging from 50 to 600 persons for lunch as well.