Kisbuda Gyöngye Restaurant - Budapest

This family restaurant opened in 1990 in Óbuda’s Kenyeres utca. It has a pre-war family atmosphere and its interior design is unique and full of original ideas. The antique glass cabinets, the turn of the century chests of drawers, the sideboards and bentwood chairs, the mirrors, chandeliers and lace tablecloths, the silver candlesticks, the table napkins, the crystal glasses, the Herend plates and frescoes on the ceiling, are all original pieces. One has the feeling of going back a century in time. The walls, panelled in beautiful fragments of antique furniture, radiate an atmosphere of warmth, as does the Mediterranean style garden in the summer.
Word spread fast about the restaurant at home and abroad and it became a regular haunt of heads of state, stars, personalities in public life, diplomats, businessmen and women. The air-conditioned rooms are used for quiet working lunches and in the evening they are suitable for small functions, private receptions, family celebrations or business dinners.
The menu is available in Hungarian, English, German, Italian, French, Russian and Japanese .It is adapted to the changing seasons, to the restaurant’s taste and to new trends, while at the same time not forgetting traditional dishes and familiar, old favourites. The choice is abundant and the service is a high standard.
Our wine list consists first and foremost of Hungarian wines and there are also a few special wines from abroad. We do our best to present a complete selection of the types of wine to be found in Hungary so that our guests may get to know one or two which have perhaps been forgotten (such as Juhfark and Kadarka), or newer ones (such as Cserszegi fűszeres). We pay particular attention to variety and change our selection several times a year. We regularly follow with interest the changes taking place in the world of wine.